The little pleasures of quarantine:

Does anyone else feel like lockdown is lasting for an eternity? Somehow we seem to have lost half a year to this deadly virus which has been catastrophic in so many ways. Every day the news is flicked on and we are greeted with the same headlines, the repetition swoops each day into the next. We find ourselves oscillating between a sense of calm and crippling nerves and anxiety. Our lives have slowed down and we’ve had more time alone with our minds. The world is no longer our oyster, so how have we survived? Well, as ever there is a silver lining to look towards. Here’s some things to remember if you’re feeling at a loss:
1. We are all in this together ✨
(Yes I did have high school musical in my head as I wrote that statement and yes it will be stuck in my head for the rest of the day, but I digress…).
We are not alone and we can rely on each other for help and support. As individuals we will all have had different physical and mental experiences during the pandemic. It is crucial to be kind to ourselves and not compare ourselves to others. Some people have learnt new languages, others have re-invented their businesses or even set up a business. Some will have been tending to patients, others will have joined in on socially distanced bingo. Some will have simply woken up, gone downstairs in their PJs, had a cup of tea and binged watched Normal People whilst eating banana bread. What is important is remembering that you are a priority, being kind to yourself is of the upmost importance and whatever you’ve achieved is an achievement nonetheless. In the wise words of Matt Haig… ‘You don’t have to win every battle. You don’t have to solve every problem. You don’t have to save every person. You can sometimes just chill the hell out and eat some toast’.
2. Our collective voice ✨
I can safely say that prior to Covid-19 I did not know who lived in the flats around me. We had exchanged a few hello’s in the hallway and commented on the weather, yet now these people have become a critical part of our network. We’ve seen support for our carers, local initiatives to help the elderly, and protests for #BlackLivesMatter. There’s been an overwhelming sense of togetherness on social media not only for BLM but for our Trans community, the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, and support for those struggling with mental health. Lockdown has reminded us of the true power of the people, what we can achieve as a collective and what we must CONTINUE to achieve following quarantine. I sit in hope that those with closed minds have been able to open their eyes to the reality of our world during this period in time. After all ignorance is our biggest secret; we must all admit this if we are to see a changed and improved future.
3. Our world is recovering ✨
For the first time in the majority of our lifetimes the streets are quiet, we can hear the bird song and the steady drone of motorways has been eradicated from the distance. We spent our days buried under sound which has now been lifted. Silence is truly golden. Our air is cleaner and the skies have never been so beautiful. Emissions are down by 25% in China, 5-10% in New York and the amount of coal being used decreased tenfold. Carbon emissions from factories have declined as fast fashion slows down and the Venice canals have been transformed. As our Earth breathes a sigh of relief and our ozone layer heals, aiding our oceans, we must think of how we can sustain a healthy planet. The benefits we have reaped from lockdown cannot afford to be wasted.
4. We have had time for the little things in life ✨
If nothing else we can safely say that our time in lockdown has been bloody wholesome. I have personally spent more time reading, writing, painting, drawing, cooking, doing yoga and discovering beautiful new music. We have had the opportunity to realise how important our loved ones are and how we take what we have for granted. We’ve FaceTimed friends, supported local businesses and felt equalised in empathy towards each other despite our backgrounds. We’ve endured the joys of zoom family quizzes (honestly I didn’t realise how stupid I am? Where is my general knowledge? Why did I get 12/12 on ‘identify the middle of the chocolate bar’ picture round?), but most importantly we have been reminded of the value of one another. We have had the opportunity to evaluate our lives which is a privilege in itself.
5. The pasta and loo roll crisis is over ✨
If you've reached a truly low point, remind yourself of when the shelves were empty and people were selling loo roll on the black market. Sorry but who would ever have thought it. If that thought doesn't bring a smile to your face, hop onto Instagram and look at some memes because my goodness we have been granted some 10/10 content.
Stay happy, enjoy the sunshine and wear suncream x